2023 had seen so many achievements for SONAR Case Management System (SONAR CMS). Thank you to the whole team for going above and beyond – maintaining excellent delivery of our current contracts at the same time as building and promoting the game-changing SONAR CMS solution.
My highlights were:
A Growing Team
From 10 to 13 members over the year. We’ve grown as a result of winning new work and there is a strong pipeline for 2024 and 2025.
The Launch of SONAR
The SONAR Data Portal is live and already leading to improved outcomes. The SONAR Custody Portal will launch in Police Custody suites in early 2024. The vision of a joined-up health information system across Criminal Justice is moving closer to reality.
Innovative Delivery
We are building SONAR at the same time as delivering high quality services under the JWPM banner. We greatly value our successful partnership with health and justice teams in the East of England. I am proud that we have consistently scored 90 per cent for customer satisfaction, well above the industry average. Our teams are solving problems quickly and without jargon for our customers – I am very grateful to them.
Spreading the Message
We met many members of the health and justice community at national events including:
The 10th annual Health and Justice Summit in Belfast.
The Labour Party conference in Liverpool.
The Thriving Survivors conference on restorative justice in Glasgow; and
The National Police Chief Council / Association of Police and Crime Commissioners annual conference in Westminster.
We also launched this blog! And are very grateful for your interest.
We have met with the NPCC, the Home Affairs Select Committee and with Police and Crime Commissioners to discuss the benefits of switching the commissioning of police custody healthcare from police forces to the NHS – replacing fragmentation with a joined-up system. The increase in deaths in police custody this year – from 13 to 23 -reminded us why this is important.
We joined TechUK and met with the UK Association of Forensic Nurses.
There is so much to come in 2024: not least the implementation of SONAR for Police Custody and Courts. The design and build of the SONAR Prison Portal and our Post-Release and Primary Care portals.
Very best wishes for 2024 from the whole SONAR team.